Special Programs
Music: Music is an integral part of our curriculum at Lake Hills Montessori. All children participate in musical activities daily in the classroom.
Physical Education: Children engage in a daily free-play on the playground (weather permitting). Lake Hills Montessori students have a wide variety of equipment to use for large motor-skills development as well as a large shaded playground
Kindergarten and Extended Day: (Second work cycle for our oldest students when they are developmentally ready)
By the third year of the Montessori cycle, children are invited to stay for either Extended Day or Kindergarten depending on their age and readiness. The Extended Day and Kindergarten class is held between 12:45pm and 3:00pm. Students will matriculate from Extended Day into Kindergarten or to first grade after completion of kindergarten. This a rich, full, and advanced experience that traditionally builds upon the previous two years. These programs naturally provide students with a wonderful foundation for future learning and meet or exceed the public school TEKS. Students have the opportunity to model leadership, explore a full range of materials in the morning and to work in an intimate and respectful setting in the afternoon. Their achievements of self-knowledge, and self- direction, and their sense of self in the community, are established in the third year of the Primary program. Our Extended Day and Kindergarten programs allow children to work individually and in groups on deeper investigations in language, mathematics, science, geography, and history. During the year, children have greater opportunities to practice tasks that require stamina, concentration, and cognitive as well as physical skills. The core of the curriculum includes the Montessori math sequences and the creative writing process. In addition, there are movement activities, foreign language, art projects, and outdoor adventure.
After-School Program: We offer an after-school program from 3 pm until 6:00 pm Monday-Friday. Lake Hills Montessori’s After-school program teachers provide a supportive and caring environment for children. Children participate in special classes like art, american sign language, gardening, and science projects daily in addition to outdoor play.
Summer Program: Lake Hills Montessori summer program (for enrolled students) is for the months of June and July. Adding to the Montessori environment, children participate in exciting activities such as art projects, nature studies, theatrical performances, and water play. Each week during the summer there is a different guest who provides entertainment such as a magician, petting zoo, Hawaiian dance class and puppet show. The objective of the summer program is to foster creativity, discovery, and friendship in a loving, supporting environment.